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Daily Devotional
Posted on: Thu, Dec 14, 2017.

READING: Daniel 2:14-19

Life is full of many different problems. In his day, Daniel had two major problems to grapple with: 1. The King's order to kill all Babylon's wise men including Daniel, and 2, the interpretation of the unknown dream of the king. The steps Daniel took should prove useful to us in confronting the problems we may face in life.


Step 1: Wisdom and Tact: Wisdom is the proper application of knowledge and Tact is a particular skill or strategy we use in situations in which there are other people. Daniel's demonstration of wisdom in going to the right person, speaking the right words, and taking the right action not allowing himself to be distracted. We should learn like Daniel not to allow any problems we encounter cripple or carry us away.


Step 2: Daniel identified the. source of the problem, and went to the King. He didn't run around aimlessly trying to deal with the effect of the problem, He faced it.


Step 3: He partnered in prayer and fasting on God with his three Hebrew companions. He didn't keep the problem to only himself. We should learn to involve others as we seek a solution from God in payer, fasting, and so on.


Step 4: Daniel knew God as the unfailing source of solution to his problem, and he with his friends approached Him. God remains the source, and so we should learn to connect to Him with like minds in prayer and we will have astounding result like Daniel's.


Step 5: Daniel's response was - praise to God as the Kings dream and interpretation were given to him by God. So we should give glory to God at all times.


PRAYER: Dear Heavenly Father, I am grateful to You because with You indeed all things are possible. Give me always Your wisdom and tact to, handle all life’s problems that may come my way in Jesus' name,

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